Frequently Asked Questions

The channels within the brain cells get disrupted with a concussion. That makes them inefficient for a period of time while they automatically try to re-regulate themselves. That makes someone with a concussion feel like they are a smart phone 3 updates behind! They are not broken but they are running on a very spotty battery. That makes thinking and processing and remembering difficult during recovery from a concussion – until the brain cells are back to their efficient selves.

Get Schooled On Concussions (GSOC) provides return -to-learn resources FOR educators, BY educators. Since the majority of students with concussion have difficulty learning due to poor memory, spotty concentration and flaring symptoms,  GSOC feels that classroom teachers play a pivotal role in welcoming students back into the classroom, helping them to manage symptoms so they can learn and adjusting the workload immediately, to promote the best chance for a smooth and seamless recovery.

Schools, districts or states can purchase a subscription to GSOC which includes:

Tier 1 (classroom teacher) and Tier 2 (related service provider) educational resources via:

  • Access to video tutorials on the academic support of cognitive inefficiency from a concussion in elementary, middle and high schools.
  • Highlights a web-based access to the Teacher Acute Concussion Tool (TACT) delivering Return to Learn curriculum in 1.) school-wide teacher training and/or 2.) in “real-time” (when the student returns to the classroom)  customized for teachers based upon what, when and how they teach.
  1. The TACT requires no advanced training of school professionals, yet a 15 minute video + on-the-spot TACT training can train an entire teaching staff on Return to Learn post-concussion in just 20 minutes.
  2. The TACT builds capacity of educator’s knowledge, confidence and competence around how to provide immediate, relevant and flexible academic supports in “real- time” (just as the student with a concussion is imminently ready to return to the classroom).
  3. The TACT does not need, use or keep any student-specific information.
  4. The TACT is intended for use in the first 4 weeks post-concussion – to maximize prompt support for the student and optimize recovery but can still be helpful after 4 weeks if classroom supports were not immediately initiated.

No, the TACT is purely a tool to teach teachers how to support students with concussion in the classroom. A teacher is informed of a student with a concussion via your standard school process and is either invited to complete the TACT themselves or is completed for them.  The customized email is delivered. Of course, supporting the teacher to support the student provides a good RTL outcome for the student. The TACT does not need or ask for student identifying information so it is not a HIPAA or FERPA compliance issue.

No, while the concepts of good Return-to Learn in the TACT have come from 20+ years of concussion research and experience with sports-related concussions, the TACT was really developed to help ALL students returning to school after a concussion – not just athletes.

Yes, the GSOC materials can be applied to elementary students and the TACT takes into account elementary versus middle/high school teacher vs college professor.

Firewalls can sometimes block emails. Please email  if you do not receive your TACT email. We will figure it out together.

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